Preschool, also known as nursery school or pre-kindergarten, is an educational program designed for young children between the ages of two and five years old. The primary goal of preschool is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for children to learn and grow, while also helping them develop social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills through play and structured activities. Preschool programs typically focus on early literacy and numeracy skills, as well as fostering creativity and imagination through art, music, and movement. Children may attend preschool for a few hours a day or for a full school day, depending on the program and the needs of the family.
We have here Preschool Colouring Pages coloring pages that you can download and print for free. These Preschool Colouring Pages coloring pages are helpful for your activities especially with enhancing the focus, creativity, and skills of the children of all ages.