Pokémon (short for Pocket Monsters) is a popular media franchise created by Satoshi Tajiri and Ken Sugimori in 1995. It started as a video game series for Nintendo’s Game Boy and now includes trading card games, an animated TV show, movies, and various merchandise. The franchise centers around collecting and training fictional creatures called Pokémon, which possess unique abilities and powers. Players try to become Pokémon trainers, catching and battling with their Pokémon against other trainers, and work towards becoming the Pokémon League Champion. Pokémon has become one of the most successful and influential entertainment franchises in the world.
We have here Pokemon Colouring Pages coloring pages that you can download and print for free. These Pokemon Colouring Pages coloring pages are helpful for your activities especially with enhancing the focus, creativity, and skills of the children of all ages.